Monday 28 September 2015

Finding a story... or three

Ellis Platten, poos himself.

I was in Nursery, It was a warm Summers day, there was a stench floating in the air, all students were lined up in a line, being sniffed, 1 by 1, I had no idea what the stench was and neither did anyone else, all of a sudden, it hit me, I was at the back of the line and teacher was yet to sniff me, it had to be me? I stood there startled, trying to think how to avoid getting in trouble, The teacher looked at me and said, Ellis how did this happen? I had no choice but to be honest, or... as the tears welled up in my eyes I replied with "someone put it there" unsurprisingly, the teacher didn't buy it and I waddled off, disgraced.

Main characters:
Me - central character
The Teachers

Side characters:

The other Children stood in line

After the event:

Shock hit me and tears ran down my face, and my mother came and picked me up after quite possibly being at another Man's house other than my Dad's.

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