Tuesday 20 October 2015

Research and Planning: Designing an ESting

Ensuring I abide by the EStings rules and competition format:

What format am I using for my ESting entry?:

For my ESting we are looking to use stop motion animation of a time bomb ticking down and exploding into the E4 logo, this will involve many differing materials, for example the bomb will be a ready made object in which we will animate the numbers ticking down, the explosion will be the trickiest as it will involve many different technical shots, This will be done by filming near a white wall and when the timer reaches 0 the word BANG pops up with the 'A' in the the word being the E4 logo, this will relate back to the E4 brand, then finally loads of mini E4's will fly up the wall which will once again relate back to the E4 brand.

All of this complies with the guidelines on the Channel 4 website and the rules which are underlined on the ESting page online.

Here is an example of one way in which we are complying with the ESting rules:

We will be looking to use only the music that E4 provide as if we don't then our entry will not be considered and therefore make the whole project redundant, so the ESting will have to use the music that is provided on site.
We will also be animating a person tripping over a wire and initiating the bomb exploding, this will be done in a fast and frantic stop motion sequence to put across the fact that the person has made a mistake in this situation.
What is going to happen in our ESting?:

In our 10 second animation a man is going to trip over a wire and initiate a bomb timer which will then count down to 0 then the word:BANG pops up with the E4 logo replacing the 4 to get across the E4 brand to our ESting, then loads of mini E4's will fly up and form one big E4 logo, we feel this is a unique and fresh idea which will hopefully work really well as the end product.

The E4 logo we will be using for our Sting :

 Image result for E4 logo

Where will our animation be set?:

Our animation is going to be set in our College classroom, this is due to the fact that it has a large white wall in which we can use to put our work in front of without breaking continuity with weird things walking infront of it, this is the most effective way for us to do this, this is due to the fact that we will have to take over 100 shots and we need to ensure that continuity isn't broken so that the short flows fluidly and effectively throughout

An example of how we're looking to use the white background to use the E4 logo:

Image result for paper E4 logo

In terms of limitations with out setting, I feel the fact that we're using our college classroom may hinder us a little bit, this is due to the fact that other people are also looking to use this so we need to ensure there's no crossover into their work aswell as doing so would not only hinder the work we're doing but also theirs which would be the worse case scenario in the situation..Furthermore, we need to be careful as we have a camped space to work with which could affect our work and even potentially lead to injuries which is certainly something we need to avoid.

Who is the target audience for our Esting?:

The target audience for us is teenagers - Young Adults, this is due to these being the target demographic for E4 as a whole so in turn we need to ensure that it fits the criteria of E4 as a channel so that it can be considered for the channel and enjoyed by the creators aswell. We are trying to fir this demographic with added humour and not being too serious with the work aswell.


1 comment:

  1. You have planned a response to a specified brief showing creativity and imagination based on research you have conducted into the client and the target audience. You have only had occasional assistance and your idea is perfectly suited to your target audience. Pre-production paperwork must be uploaded.
